No empty words, but a dedication to partnership, commitment and effective solutions.
TalentAdvice is a Talent Management Consulting Company whose biggest passion is to help people, teams and companies grow. By developing the most appropriate Talent Management strategy based on the direction of the customer company, by designing the most suitable Talent Management processes and policies, by taking the most effective actions to help individuals and teams reach a higher level of output.
TalentAdvice takes a different twist on consulting and is therefore based on 3 shared values that form the foundations of all projects and assignments undertaken:
TalentAdvice will always give open and honest recommendations. If a project stretches our experience or expertise TalentAdvice will be happy to direct the customer company to the appropriate provider. Honesty lasts longer.
Too often consultants keep their knowledge to themselves. TalentAdvice really believes that more can be accomplished when knowledge is shared with the customer. Let's grow together.
The most challenging piece of a project is when the output needs to be implemented in the company. TalentAdvice wants to support the customer also in this step. Making sure that a project does not end up in a binder, but comes to life and becomes real. That's the commitment TalentAdvice is ready to take.
Getting to know the customer, understanding the situation and the needs, rephrasing the questions asked, proposing a tailored solution, making sure this solution can be implemented in the context of the customer company and transferring knowledge during the process.
That's what TalentAdvice stands for.
Our TalentAdvisors have a solid background in HR and in Talent Management, both in a consulting and in an industry setting. This allows them to understand the reality of the customer company, to ask the right questions and to develop those solutions that fit best. Or... to direct the customer company to a different provider if the assignment is outside the scope of their capabilities.
Our TalentAdvisors have worked on both regional and global level, in different countries, within different (company) cultures, being confronted with the interesting elements that make all realities very different. Solid professionals with a good sense of humor!
TalentAdvice has a core team of 6 TalentAdvisors and a pool of about 10 associated consultants all eager to bring projects to full completion in line with the TalentAdvice values.
TalentAdvice offers quite a wide spectrum of services that can be grouped into 3 clusters of activities:
Felix Roggemanskaai 17 A3 1501 Buizingen
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